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technical trade measures seriously affect China's

WTO Affairs, Ministry of Commerce December 27 news release, technical trade measures in 2009, one of the major decline in Chinese exports.

 China's trade volume in 2009 2.20727 trillion yuan, down 14% compared to 2008. Exports of 1.20166 trillion yuan, down 16%. Ministry of Commerce believes that one of the major decline in exports, with the international financial crisis has spread, due to trade protection measures taken by States, in particular the technical trade measures on China's export trade had a significant negative impact.
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Cooper Truck Tire: "Irons official " face-lift

Formal entry into China since 2006, after several years of market development, Cooper Tire has been initially established in the minds of consumers from the "global tire replacement experts " of the image. This is of course quite different from peer-platinum thanks to solid marketing strategy. Cute but simple and honest, "Mr. Michelin, " compared with solid-platinum despite the comic books, music, competitions of various marketing activities, bustling, after all, the lack of a significant image carrier.
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Aeolus Tyre EU market sweep the Triple Crown

Recently, high-end customers by the EU of 20 member delegation made a special trip to visit Aeolus Tyre Co., Ltd., the company's technology innovation, quality assurance, energy saving and so highly praised. It is reported that almost fierce in the global tire market competition, Aeolus Tyre critical in the demanding high-end market, the European Union called out the slogan "Made in China", sweep the "three firsts": the market share of local companies year after year the first, Product Price year after the first local businesses, year after year-end the first customer satisfaction survey.
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Prices of domestic tire companies start another

Forced natural rubber raw material cost pressures, in December 2010, most of the domestic tire companies increased 15% to 20% of the price.

 Dec. 21, Bridgestone tires Tianbang Jun Wu, president of China Business, said, forced natural rubber raw material cost pressures, the company's tire sales in China this month has increased by 4% in mid-end price. According to its introduction in December of this year, most of the domestic tire companies increased 15% to 20% of the tire price.
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Hankook Tire Dealer Conference held in 2010

In mid-December, the annual Hankook Tire Dealer Conference held in Jeju Island, the top echelon of Hankook Tire and agents from representatives of major cities, nearly 200 people attended the meeting. In the 4-day meeting, senior and agents Hankook Tire Hankook Tire jointly reviewed the achievements over the past year, and seriously discuss the upcoming 2011 marketing plan.
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Tire retread company called Clear "freaks"

"tire industry policy " clearly prohibited the three, namely, non-production, sale and distribution of cutting standard tires, change the standard tires, no "three" failed tires tires tires and counterfeiting, which would have to see a purge of tire retreading business Living environment of hope. But the reporter after research found that more than two months since the implementation of industrial policy, the original state what changes did not occur, all kinds of fake and shoddy substandard tires and tire sales "remains the same. "

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Rapid recovery of the Russian tire market

According to statistical data in the first half of 2010 and the current status of major tire company is evident that the Russian tire market after the financial crisis presents some new features: rapid recovery of the industry, import and export its surplus, consumers tend to choose low-grade tires.
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Qingdao Tire Company "pain and hard work of "

Not long ago, WTO announced that the United States from China, safeguard measures taken by the tire does not violate the rules of the organization. This means Truck Tyre that special protective measures more than a year before the expiration of the time, China's tire exports to the U.S. punitive tariffs of 35% will remain. In this regard, Qingdao City, tire companies have said that to enhance R & D initiative, product and marketing it well.

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