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WACKER display pieces for the production of compos

Optimization of composite parts of the production process is the introduction of a milestone reusable vacuum enclosures. Compared with the traditional thin-film technology, using it can make the series production of composite parts was simpler, lower cost and faster.

This innovative technology is based on the Wacker silicone rubber products ELASTOSIL ® C 150 and ELASTOSIL ® C 1200. They are platinum catalyzed Truck Tyre cross-linking of the two sub-silicone rubber, with production of high quality vacuum cover the key performance requirements. For example, ELASTOSIL ® C 150 has low viscosity and a few minutes at room temperature hardening of the advantages of no shrinkage. Larger size for the production of vacuum enclosures developed ELASTOSIL ® C 1200 can process significantly extended the time for OTR Tyre nearly 20 minutes. This enables the system to do the vacuum hood for specific applications, especially for small boats, aircraft and wind power equipment industry. Because this process is very economic, so cost savings can be significant.

Tags: good-offices tyre tire Truck-tyre Truck-Tire OTR-Tyre PCR-Tyre Agriculture-Tyre

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Michelin says will rise 10-50% this year Jiaojia

According to Shanghai Securities News reported that the Truck  Tyre French tire maker Michelin said the company Feb. 24, the strong demand for rubber prices will rise this year, 10% -50%. In 2003, global rubber prices rose by 21%, largely due to OTR Tyre China's rubber demand in 2003 grew by 87%. Michelin's total annual global demand for natural rubber, natural rubber demand about 10%.

Tags: good-offices tyre tire Truck-tyre Truck-Tire OTR-Tyre PCR-Tyre Agriculture-Tyre

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Automotive development new demands on the rubber i

Recently, the authority of the experts predict, from the beginning of 2005, China's auto market will see a new round of growth. Medium to long term, China's auto industry development prospects in the next 10 years will be 10% to 15% growth in 2010, the annual output is expected to reach 8 million, in 2020 the annual output is expected to grow to 12 million Truck Tyre.

The rapid development of automobile industry, rubber products for automotive and materials proposed new requirements, especially the performance of special rubber, huge demand, will bring China Special Rubber Development rare opportunity. Meanwhile, the Chinese special rubber industry, but also will promote the process of domestic auto parts.

According to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers statistics and projections show that in 2005, China's auto industry on several key special rubber demand are: nitrile rubber (HNBR mainly) 1.43 million tons, 08,400 tons of acrylic rubber, fluorine rubber 05,000 tons, 03,500 tons of chlorine polyethylene rubber, silicone rubber 03,500 tons, 02,000 tons of rubber epichlorohydrin. In addition, some sort of high-performance dedicated butyl OTR Tyre rubber.

China rubber parts for the automotive industry is currently the subject most of the traditional rubber materials, such as natural rubber, styrene butadiene rubber, chloroprene rubber and EPDM rubber, and acrylic rubber, fluorine rubber, silicone rubber, hydrogenated nitrile rubber only a small amount of rubber and other special applications, where the main reason is China's rare species of special rubber products, the production does not scale, the product did not form a series, a lot of need to rely on imports from abroad. This is a considerable extent and impact of restrictions on China automotive rubber products to the high performance direction.


Tags: good-offices tyre tire Truck-tyre Truck-Tire OTR-Tyre PCR-Tyre Agriculture-Tyre

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Finally, the good offices of the tires safeguard

September 2, a confidential report will appear in the United States President Barack Obama's desk, it indicates that China exports to the U.S. safeguard action in the final stage, China also sent a delegation to Washington to make the final Truck Tyre of the mediation. August 31, China Rubber Industry Association, Xu Ying, Deputy Secretary-General told reporters that the Chinese Ministry of Commerce of the day there will be a delegation flew to the United States talks.

According to the investigation procedures, in consultation with the U.S. Treasury, U.S. Department of Labor and some other views, the U.S. Trade Representative's office will be Sept. 2 to submit a confidential recommendation to Obama, Obama can choose to September 3 - 17, any day, determine whether measures on Chinese exports to the United States related to the maximum 55% of the tire levy punitive tariffs. That is, starting from September 2 per day, the Chinese tire industry, 10 million workers their jobs, are likely because Obama made a final OTR Tyre decision by the special protective case broken.

Earlier, the United Steelworkers of America (United Steel workers) filed complaints, said in recent years, the influx of cheap Chinese tires to more than 5,000 members of the union lost their jobs.

Obama will face a dilemma, if he stood to the side of United Steelworkers of America, he faced accusations of protectionism, and even the risk of trade war, the Chinese side of the station may offend some American voters.

Tags: good-offices tyre tire Truck-tyre Truck-Tire OTR-Tyre PCR-Tyre Agriculture-Tyre

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